About Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is the largest online community for programmers to learn, share their knowledge, and advance their careers. Developers trust Stack Overflow to help solve coding problems and turn to Stack Overflow Careers to find job opportunities.

Founded in 2008, Stack Overflow is visited by more than 30 million developers each month and is the flagship site of the Stack Exchange network, 140+ Q&A sites dedicated to niche topics.

We believe in hiring smart people and getting out of their way. Stack Overflow currently employs more than 250 people in its head offices in New York, Denver, and London as well as remote workers from Israel, Brazil, Japan, Germany, Slovenia, France, Russia, the Philippines, Canada, the UK, and the United States. The company is committed to diversity in the workplace and is currently hiring. We keep meetings and ceremony to an absolute minimum, and will never poke you with a sharp stick.

  • Site Reliability Engineer

    Stack Overflow Where the world's developers get answers, share knowledge & find jobs they love.
    • AI & Data
    • June 1
  • Full-Stack Web Developer (Internal)

    Stack Overflow Where the world's developers get answers, share knowledge & find jobs they love.
    • Engineer
    • March 27
  • User Experience Researcher Intern

    Stack Overflow Where the world's developers get answers, share knowledge & find jobs they love.
    • Design
    • March 13
  • Senior Product Designer

    Stack Overflow Where the world's developers get answers, share knowledge & find jobs they love.
    • Design
    • February 14