
Bustle.com is a new force in media: a news, entertainment, lifestyle, and fashion site for young women driven by a diverse and energetic collection of contributors.

What we have in common with each other and our readers is that we’re insatiably curious about the world. We care about what’s working and what isn’t, about fashion, politics, technology, diversity, books, celebrities, health, beauty, work, friendship, and how to make amazing food on a budget. These are the stories we deliver every day in a format that’s always getting better, quicker, and more engaging.

Elite Daily is seeking part-time, remote trending/social news writers available during regular office hours. This writer should live and breathe memes, know all the best subreddits and not be scared off by unicorn frappuccinos or strangers challenging to cash you outside. A writer should be able to have some fun while appreciating the internet’s fav new thing.

Ideal candidates should have 2+ years of experience in reporting, writing and/or blogging. Please include your opinion on Instagrammable food in your cover letter.

A minimum commitment of 3 days per week from 9-4 EST is required, although the position could be 4 days a week as well. Writers will work remotely.


  • Genuine appreciation of trends and social media
  • A strong voice and good sense of humorKnowledge in SEO
  • 2+ years reporting/writing/blogging experience
  • Availability to work remotely at least three days a week
  • Knowledge of AP style is a plus