
Bustle.com is a new force in media: a news, entertainment, lifestyle, and fashion site for young women driven by a diverse and energetic collection of contributors.

What we have in common with each other and our readers is that we’re insatiably curious about the world. We care about what’s working and what isn’t, about fashion, politics, technology, diversity, books, celebrities, health, beauty, work, friendship, and how to make amazing food on a budget. These are the stories we deliver every day in a format that’s always getting better, quicker, and more engaging.

Bustle is currently searching for part-time Lifestyle News writers available 2-3 weekdays per week during regular office hours. This position leans heavily towards covering social justice issues, including feminism, race, disability, reproductive rights, and LGBTQ; the writer should be comfortable covering these topics both from trending, news-based angles (Β “This Study On Cervical Cancer Rates Proves How Much We Need Planned Parenthood”) and within evergreen or feature contexts (Β “13 Things To Do After The Women’s March”).

That said, there’s also a mix of other lifestyle coverage as well, including ’90s nostalgia, personality tests, astrology and astronomy, and tricks and tips about the latest social media tools and features. Oh, and coffee. We love coffee.

Ideal candidates should have at least 2+ years of experience in reporting, writing, and/or blogging, ideally about social justice, feminism, health, and/or reproductive rights. A minimum commitment of at least 2 days per week during business hours is required.Β Writers will work remotely.

Most importantly, you should bring a unique perspective with a definitive voice to your work. Please make that clear in your cover letter.


  • Experience in and passion for covering social justice issues from a lifestyle angle
  • 2+ years writing experience, ideally in the news, lifestyle, or social justice realm
  • Availability to work remotely at least 2-3 weekdays per week