
Bustle.com is a new force in media: a news, entertainment, lifestyle, and fashion site for young women driven by a diverse and energetic collection of contributors.

What we have in common with each other and our readers is that we’re insatiably curious about the world. We care about what’s working and what isn’t, about fashion, politics, technology, diversity, books, celebrities, health, beauty, work, friendship, and how to make amazing food on a budget. These are the stories we deliver every day in a format that’s always getting better, quicker, and more engaging.

Elite Daily is seeking remote part-time film writers to contribute 3-4 full days per week.

Are you a film buff that can name every Best Picture Oscar-winner in the past decade? Do you know more about Harry Potter’s family tree than your own? Then Elite Daily’s film writer position is perfect for you.

Writers should have extensive knowledge of the latest in film news, a passion for movies, a fun and witty voice and the ability to write quickly and cleanly. There are also opportunities for thought provoking essays and analysis as well as reporting (not a requirement).

Ideal candidates should have at least 2+ years of experience in reporting, writing, and/or blogging, specializing in entertainment writing and/or film reviewing. Bonus points if your background or experience lends itself to covering film news from a unique perspective (please tell us how in your cover letter)!

A minimum commitment of at least 3 days per week is required, although the position could be 4 days a week as well. Writers will work remotely.


  • Availability to work remotely at least three days a week
  • A passion for TV and film news
  • Pitch-perfect news judgement
  • A fun and witty voice and innovative ideas
  • 2+ years reporting/blogging/writing experience