
Bustle.com is a new force in media: a news, entertainment, lifestyle, and fashion site for young women driven by a diverse and energetic collection of contributors.

What we have in common with each other and our readers is that we’re insatiably curious about the world. We care about what’s working and what isn’t, about fashion, politics, technology, diversity, books, celebrities, health, beauty, work, friendship, and how to make amazing food on a budget. These are the stories we deliver every day in a format that’s always getting better, quicker, and more engaging.

Bustle.com is seeking part-time content curators to work with our app team. Ideal candidates are extremely internet savvy, have an interest in entertainment with a focus on TV, have web and social media experience, and can easily navigate platforms like Google News, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, and Facebook. Please note: this is not a writing position. Bonus points for a background in social media, entertainment, or content curation. App curators will work remotely. We are especially looking for curators interested in TV and entertainment.


  • Must be extremely internet savvy
  • Prior social media, TV, journalism, communications, and/or web production experience
  • Strong familiarity with Bustle
  • Degree in a related field (upcoming and recent grads welcome to apply)
  • Must be available to work within the windows of 7am-1pm, 1-7pm, and/or 7pm-1am ET (please note your exact availability in your cover letter)

To apply:

  • Please download the Bustle App first!
  • Please include a resume and cover letter with experience and availability. Then, please specify at least 3-5 streams in the app you would be most interested in working on and why.
  • Applications without a cover letter or links will not be considered.

Bustle.com is a new force in media: a news, entertainment, lifestyle, and fashion site for young women driven by a diverse and energetic collection of contributors. Bustle is written by a diverse team of women and men from various backgrounds with an endless range of interests. What we have in common with each other and our readers is that we’re insatiably curious about the world.