
Bustle.com is a new force in media: a news, entertainment, lifestyle, and fashion site for young women driven by a diverse and energetic collection of contributors.

What we have in common with each other and our readers is that we’re insatiably curious about the world. We care about what’s working and what isn’t, about fashion, politics, technology, diversity, books, celebrities, health, beauty, work, friendship, and how to make amazing food on a budget. These are the stories we deliver every day in a format that’s always getting better, quicker, and more engaging.

Elite Daily is seeking a writer to help expand the site’s astrology, zodiac, and new age coverage. The right person should possess a strong understanding of astrology and the way planetary happenings affect the world, our emotions, and our unique individual star signs. Elite Daily readers are interested everything from how to snap the perfect solar eclipse picture for Instagram, to figuring out how compatible they are with their BFFs in the long-run, to understanding their own astrological birth charts.

The ideal candidate should have a strong and trusted knowledge of astrology and can also deliver content to our readers in a humorous, light-hearted, and factually accurate way. Candidates should be self-starters capable of producing witty, researched, and clean copy within under a deadline.

The position is part-time and remote.


  • Remain flexible while meeting deadlines
  • Work two or more shifts Monday-Friday
  • Write between three and four articles per day
  • Pitch angles and article ideas


  • A passion for delivering great zodiac, horoscope, and new-age content to millennials
  • A relevant degree and/or previous relevant writing experience
  • A deep understanding of astrology and how the stars and moon affect us
  • An ability to discover and identify newsworthy stories to create clever, funny, and unique angles
  • Fluency with images, GIFs, video, other forms of multimedia
  • SEO experience

Elite Daily is a site for and by women who are discovering the world, and themselves in the process. Our writers, like our readers, come at life from a wide range of backgrounds, but we’re all eager to learn about the world around us in a way that’s relatable, honest, and fun. But most of all, we’re in search of experiences — the kinds that could change our night, the kinds that could change our mind, and the kinds that could change our life. In the meantime, while we figure out where we stand, we’re here to help each other stand up for our friends, our beliefs, and, most of all, ourselves. And when nothing goes according to plan (does it ever?), we’ll be here to laugh along with you.